Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sending Tweet's From the Command Line

Saw tweeted by commandlinefu.com that you can use Curl to send tweets! I've been doing this an aweful lot lately. When I'm working, and need to send a quick tweet, I just use my handy little sendtweet.sh script.

Here is my "sendtweet.sh" script:

if [ ! $1 ]
echo "Send Tweet. Usage:"
echo "$0 message"
echo "This $0 script sends twitter status updates"
echo "Make sure you escape anything but alphanumerics"

curl -u twitter_username:twitter_password -d status="$*" http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml

The if look is just to prevent me from doing anything stupid. You have to escape anything but alphanumerics, so usage is like:

sendtweet.sh Cool\, I\'m sending tweets from bash\!\!\!

Thought you all would enjoy that ;)

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